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My dog is trying to hump my cat and it's not funny! [复制链接]

       I got the kitten so soon after getting the dog to ensure that they'd get along. The first day the kitten was as terrified of Harry as he was of Fiona (hey, the girlfriend gets to pick the names) but they soon began to get along just fine and they sleep together and play together.

I was worried that the kitten would hurt Harry with its claws but they play very gently and walk around side by side. But yesterday we saw a side of Harry we'd never seen before when he began to hump the kitten. Besides being more than a bit surprised at seeing a puppy do this I'm concerned with for the safety of both of them, as the kitten is quite small yet also is pretty strong-willed and quick with the claw.

Besides scolding Harry every time we catch him I'm wondering what else there is to do. Is neutering the only real option? I know it won't guarantee he'll stop but I'd not wanted to face that decision (whether or not to neuter your dog) for a long time.

Anyone else have a horny dog problem and found a solution?

Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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