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Are Our Buildings Safe to live? [复制链接]


After World War II, new houses were rapidly built in Germany to accommodate the growing population. Studies of these new houses found an unusual patterns of illnesses. It was concluded that these patterns could be attributed to the rapid construction of the buildings. The rapid construction had given materials insufficient time to outgas various volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and these VOCs instead harmed the occupants. Many modern homes, at least in Western countries are sealed units, with closed doors and windows(because of central heating and air-conditioning systems) and make people sick. In addition to air-tight windows and door, plastic vapour barriers, concrete floors,insulation foam, and impermeable layers of plastic paints and adhesives wrap-up the building tightly that the house can not breathe. Inside this sealed system of housing, stale air and chemical vapours are continuously building-up until they reach concentrations that can cause disease. It has to be noted that the natural materials like untreated wood, brick, etc. that we have used in the past, have been replaced by, or treated with synthetics. Not only they emit potentially harmful vapours, but also it is not possible to recycle them and hence such materials add to the burden of pollution.

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