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Optislim vs Healthy Eating & Exercise [复制链接]


Just wanting to know your opinions/experience etc on Optislim shakes vs Healthy Eating.
I obviously want to lose weight and want to lose about 30 kgs by October. I go gym, well just started up again, and do both cardio and weights. But when it comes to my energy input, I'm at a loss. My Dr.posed trying Optislim shakes, I have in the past and it either gave me an upset belly or didn't fill me up and left me starving and pretty pissed off cos I was so hungry. It kind of worked, but I felt Happy and full. I have a Fernwood Food Coaching booklet, as I was seeing their dietitian and was thinking of going back to it. But, after a month of following their plan last time and exercising, I did not see a difference or any weight Loss (maybe because of the muscle I gained through weights?)
The Fernwood booklet suggests for breakfast things like....1 egg 1 toast 200ml yoghurt, OR 3 WeetBix 1 c Skim Milk OR 2 toast 1/2 c All Bran 1/2 c skim Milk.
I have PCOS so I know that is a factor, but even to eat better and kick start things....any advice?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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