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New to me Clark skidder [复制链接]

Hi,      I just bought a Clark 666c. Price was right, figured I could not go too wrong for a machine that runs good and pulls wood, I can always sell it and get my money back: D
It's got a 4-53 detroit that fired up real good, a clark winch, 2 speed clark trans, 23.1x26 tires (pretty bald) and ring chains on all 4. The cradle pins are a bit loose, but not terrible. some welding, someone got rowdy with the tree pusher.

I'm intending to pull wood on the weekends with it as a side job. We'll see how it goes after running tubing and tapping trees on snowshoes all week.

Anyways, a few questions- Where do you add transmission fluid and hydraulic fluid? Straight weight oil for Detroit I've heard? (4-53) Regular transmission fluid?
Please help.
I did not find the right solution from the Internet.

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