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作者: 文章来源:IASB 浏览次数:577  时间:2022/5/31 10:43:00 


Andreas Ohl–IVSC业务评估委员会主席兼普华永道(美国)合伙人。
卡齐姆·拉兹维(Kazim Razvi)——CFA研究所财务报告政策总监
Todd Castagno–摩根士丹利执行董事
Tom Scott–国际会计准则委员会(IASB)董事会成员
As intangible components become increasingly influential in determining company value, debate grows around the appropriate framework for capturing and reporting this important information. Join a panel of leading international experts…
As intangible components become increasingly influential in determining company value, debate grows around the appropriate framework for capturing and reporting this important information.
Join a panel of leading international experts as they discuss the importance of intangible value and consider in particular the challenge of accounting for internally-generated intangibles.
This webinar will be of interest to a wide and international audience, including preparers and auditors of financial statements, business owners, investors and valuers.
Please Note: You must register in advance to access this live webinar. This webinar is available, free of charge, to IVSC member and sponsor organisations, their employees and affiliates.
Andreas Ohl – Chair of the IVSC Business Valuation Board and Partner, PwC U.S.
Kazim Razvi – Director of Financial Reporting Policy, CFA Institute
Todd Castagno – Executive Director, Morgan Stanley
Tom Scott – Board Member, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
[案情] 2001年10月,原告某镇文化广播站将改造花灯等工程承揽给被告李某。在承揽施工过程中,李…详细
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 原告(日本)丰田自动车株式会社,住所地日本国爱知县丰田市丰田町1番地。   法定代表人…详细

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